In a society, which reveres the symbol of the mother, natural guardianship is not awarded as an absolute right to the mother, once the child crosses a certain age. Due to pre-eminence given by society to religious laws, discriminatory practices against women still exist. Despite progressive legislations in the past addressing women’s legal rights, much remains to be done before women find an equal standing in Indian society.
- Professor Jayashree Lakkaraju

Key Challenges


Respect to female members
Making women aware of their rights
Creating a friendly atmosphere
Immediate complaint for any crime related cases

Free legal aid to women
24/7 helpline
Value-based education in all schools
Strict implementation of prenatal diagnostic test

Strict execution of women laws
Stringent punishment to all culprits, Rehabilitation of all victims
33% of women reservation bill to be passed
Seperate court for women cases for speedy justice